Community Pack Walk
Join us every 1st Saturday of the month for our FREE community pack walk
What to expect:
This event is all about the amazing dog community of Grass Valley and surrounding areas. We invite our local rescues, veterinarians, pet stores, fellow trainers, our beloved clients, and local dog owners to join us for a great way to socialize your dog, and connect with other dog lovers in the area! This event is free but donations of dog treats, toys, blankets, etc are appreciated and welcomed at each event. Each month we will donate proceeds to a different rescue in need. Please bring donation to Bonnie at her White Transit Van marked "WAYWARD DOG RANCH" at the start of the event. We ask that our ground rules are taken seriously by all participants. Please read thoroughly before joining: 1. Please keep your dog on leash at all times. 6 ft maximum length. 2. Absolutely no on leash greetings.Not all dogs that join these walks are "friendly", and even some friendly dogs do not appreciate their space invaded while on leash. Respect other teams personal space. Better safe than sorry. 3. Dog and Owner Teams should come prepared with a short leash, and something to motivate or engage your dog- this can be food or a toy.
Contact Details